Ergonomic Clinic in Jaipur | AQ Health Care

Discover ergonomic solutions at AQ Health Care, the leading clinic in Jaipur offering top treatments from physiotherapy to chiropractic care.

Ergonomic Workshop:

This session mainly focuses on common problems which is being faced due to sedentary lifestyle like Neck Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, and other Musculoskeletal Aches.

  • Posture Problems – What is the right posture and bad posture habits
  • Frequent Micro Injuries and Strains
  • Smartphone and it’s burden on day to day routine
  • Desktop and Laptop uses tips
  • Vicious cycle of Pain and Stiffness and how we help in
  • Practical Session on basic stretching exercises and how to increase productivity on workplace
  • One to One Consultation for employees if needed

Diet and Nutrition Session:

The session aims to impart knowledge and nutritive values amongst the employees.

  • Importance of Vitamins such as Vitamin D, Vita B12 and other and their sources, usage, and intake recommendation.
  • Weight Management
  • Knowledge about “Superfood”
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About Us

We are India’s super specialty spine clinic, working with advanced technologies, multidisciplinary team comprising of Spine Surgeon, Interventional Pain Specialist, Physiotherapist and Chiropractors.

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