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Sports Injury Specialist in Jaipur - AQ Health Care

Get advanced treatment for sports injuries at AQ Health Care in Jaipur. Consult with top-rated doctors like Dr. Ashish Agarwal to improve mobility and reduce pain.

Sports Rehabilitation Center:

Sports Injuries can happen to anyone, but these are especially prone to those who indulge in more rigorous sports and games/ activities such as Football, Squash, Cycling, Cricket, volleyball, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, Golf, Table Tennis, swimming, and so forth.

There are mainly two types of sports injuries that a sportsperson can suffer from:

  1. Traumatic Injury: These usually occur during the game. Such injuries require immediate treatment. Sometimes these types of injuries may require surgical intervention with post-operative rehabilitation.
  2. Accumulative Injuries: Injury prevention starts much before the game by recognizing the weak link in a Biomechanical chain and strengthening it. The weak links are muscle imbalances with one set of muscles weakness, and others compensating for it, getting overused; which build up the undue accumulative stress on certain structures over a period of time which later get injured.
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Bicepital tendinitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer’s Elbow
  • Jumper’s Knee
  • ACL Tears
  • Meniscus Tear
  • MCL Tear
  • Runner’s Knee
  • Groin Injuries

As a specialized Sports Injury Clinic at AQ Health Care we do Bio mechanical assessment to identify the weak link and then strengthening it with specified sports trainings. Our approach to deal with sports injury cases are unique. We have multidisciplinary team of experts including Arthroscopy Surgeon, Sports Physiotherapist, Psychologist and Fitness Trainers. Our advance rehabilitation technologies like Combo Therapies and Class IV Lasers along with Specified treatment programs help athletes to recover fast from their injuries.

Sports injuries need an accurate diagnosis with immediate attention to even smallest injuries. From prevention to cure everything we take care in case of sports injuries and work on personalised treatment plans to help athlete back in sports. 

Spine Decompression therapy is advanced therapy by which the pressure in the disc is reduce. A vacuum type effect is produced on the center of disc (i.e. nucleus pulposus) which allows diffusion of nutrition into the disc. This speed us the process of recovery.

Repeated unloading and decompression allow diffusion of fluids which aid in reducing the chemical mediators of inflammation and hence lessen the pain.

The speed, duration, angle, and pattern of decompression can be adjusted according to the condition of patient. A series of treatment sessions make sure your nerve which was getting compressed due to slipped disc is relieved of the pressure on it.

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About Us

We are India’s super specialty spine clinic, working with advanced technologies, multidisciplinary team comprising of Spine Surgeon, Interventional Pain Specialist, Physiotherapist and Chiropractors.

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