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World Class Neuro Rehab in Jaipur - Paralysis Treatment in Jaipur - AQ Health Care

Experience top neuro rehab services at AQ Health Care, Jaipur, where our expert team provides comprehensive neurological rehabilitation and personalized treatments.

The AQ Health Care is here to help you for home-based, patient-focused & personalised paralysis physiotherapy treatment in Jaipur , get in touch with our expert team.

How is stroke or paralysis treated with physiotherapy?

Stroke is caused by a blood clot or rupture of a vein in the brain. After initial medical management, the first 30 days are very important in terms of rehabilitation, in which most of the recovery of the patient comes. In this, the patient is given various types of machines and manual exercises. The patient is also trained to remove stiffness in the muscles along with exercises like sitting, standing, walking, giving weight to the affected part, etc.

Which diseases can be treated with Neuro Rehab?

Stroke/paralysis, half-body paralysis (hemi plegia), Parkinson’s disease, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, loss of function of both arms or legs (quadri/paraplegia), brain injury or post-operative body function Failure to do, cerebral palsy in children, delay in development of children etc.

New neuron development with T.D.C.S. (brain stimulation)

In this, the same part of the patient is stimulated which has been damaged due to stroke or injury or the part whose function has been affected. In this, transcranial stimulation is done, which creates new brain cells which helps in recovery.

Gamified Physiotherapy from Augmented Reality

In this, through various games, patients exercise while playing games on the computer screen, due to which the patient also gets a lot of motivation, as well as getting more focused exercise, as a result, the patient’s lost movements start coming soon.

Robotic Hand Gloves

In this, many types of exercises are done with the computer by wearing the robotic hand in the affected hand, so that the muscles of that hand work as well as stimulation of the patient’s brain.

Some special things to keep in mind at home

Television, room entry, seating or talking arrangements for family members should be on the paralyzed side of the patient so that the visual feedback will continue to go to the brain. Take special care of making the patient sit with both hands back as much as possible, exercising at least thrice a day, turning back every two hours, etc.

  • stroke hemiplegia
  • paraplegia
  • cerebral palsy
  • autism
  • behavior Disablity
  • delayed milestone
  • Erb’s palsy
  • spine injuries
  • Parkinson’s disorder
  • multiple sclerosis
  • traumatic brain injury
  • Ataxia

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We provide robotic therapy for hands and legs ,feets to start walking again, setting goals relevants to activity limitations,and participation restrictions, and identifying key impairments that are limiting achievement of goals..
We focused on patients strengthening, joint mobility, motor skill development, respiratory functioning, pain management, wheel chair mobility.

We have most important equipment Named T.D.C.s brain stimulation In which this machine stimulate the portion of brain that got injured due to stroke or injury , Trans cranial stimulation is given to patient for new brain cells development called neuro plasty which helps in fast recovery

Here we turn common rehabilitation training into a motivating and challenging games that makes experiencing fun and rewarding activity Increased engagement and improved quality of training through live bio feedback delivered instantly..this is highly personalzed digital therapy plateform…Bobo is better way to treat and easily measure progress and outcomes ,track quality and quantity of movement and exercises.

New neuron development with T.D.C.S. (brain stimulation)
In this, the same part of the patient is stimulated which has been damaged due to stroke or injury or the part whose function has been affected. In this, transcranial stimulation is done, which creates new brain cells which helps in recovery.

Gamified Physiotherapy from Augmented Reality
In this, through various games, patients exercise while playing games on the computer screen, due to which the patient also gets a lot of motivation, as well as getting more focused exercise, as a result, the patient’s lost movements start coming soon.

Robotic Hand Gloves

In this, many types of exercises are done with the computer by wearing the robotic hand in the affected hand, so that the muscles of that hand work as well as stimulation of the patient’s brain.


Yes, paralysis is treated by physiotherapy. We give treatment in which we stimulate the muscles by giving electrical modalities and also provide the basic and advanced physiotherapy treatment, from which a paralyzed person can again stand on his feet and live his life more better and normalised the day-to-day activity , and gains confidence.  Visit Now AQ Health Care for Paralysis Treatment in Jaipur.

It depends upon the condition like:

Full recovery from a paralytic attack can take around 6 months to 1 year depending on the severity of the condition as well as the part of the brain affected.

Physiotherapy treatment may include: Exercises to strengthen weak muscles in the arms legs and trunk. Muscle stretching to reduce pain and stiffness and to prevent soft tissue contractures. Gait retraining with the use of mobility aids such as crutches or walking frame if necessary.

There are a lot type of therapy included.:

Passive exercise: in which all over joint movement is provided by the Physiotherapist to the patient, to stimulate the muscles and joints.

Electrical stimulation:
Different types of modalities are used to activate the nerves , which brings back the conduction and activates the muscle group.

Mental Practice:
It involves visualizing yourself performing a movement that you want to perform. The practice is all in your head and requires no actual movement.

Mirror therapy:

is a great way to recover from hand paralysis after stroke. It involves placing a mirror over your affected hand and doing hand therapy exercises with your non-affected hand. This “tricks” your brain into thinking that you’re moving your affected hand and helps rewire the brain.

Bells palsy is a health condition in which the 7th cranial nerve or the facial nerve is swollen, compressed or damaged that lead to temporary weakness or paralysis on one side of your face. The actual fact of the bell’s palsy is idiopathic or unknown, but nerve damage can be a cause of traumatic injury, viral infection, and neurologic cases.

Physiotherapy can assist to stimulate the nerve by using an electrical stimulation machine, facial massage to increase blood circulation and promotes healing, and facial muscle exercises individually done based on their function.

I don’t understand the term permanent facial paralysis.

In paralysis, Physiotherapist’s role is very important. It slowly but surely trained your muscles to get mobilised. The muscular strength gets recovered slowly but definitely in about three months.

Paralysis is called as Hemiplegia. Its affects one side of the body. The word Hemi means “Half”. Hemiplegia is often identify as either the right or left hemiplegia, depending on which side of the body is affected. Hemiplegia is cured by some of the occupational therapy its helps to improve affected area. These some of the methods are helpful in Paralysis recovery:- Range-of-Motion Exercises Flexibility Training Electrical Stimulation Motor Imagery (MI)

AQ Health Care is the best Clinic of Jaipur where Paralysis patient is treated from Robotic Neuro-Most Advanced Machine. Expert team of Physiotherapist with more then 50+ years of experience.

Physiotherapy is an important of the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis and should include the practice of facial exercises performed by the individual; use machines to relieve pain; stretches; massage and apply of heat as ice to facilitate movements.

Physical therapy session should be particularized and should take about 40 minutes. Recovery time differ greatly from one individual to another, but on average it should be done 4 months to 1 year of physiotherapy.

Bell’s palsy is a a paralysis of Facial nerve having following signs and symptoms:- B blink reflex lost E earache L loss of taste L lacrimation increased/ decresed ‘S sudden onset Palay of muscles of facial expressions Treatment includes Corticosteroids and at times Acyclovir ( antiviral) along with neurotropics and physiotherapy. Treatment if started within 72 hours of attack has superb prognosis and complete recovery is seen in majority of patients within 6 weeks to 6 months.

Improve motor control
Use several different techniques for sensory stimulation to facilitate movement.

Learning theory approach (Conductive education and motor relearning theory)
Functional electrical stimulation
Help restore motor control, spasticity, and hemiplegia
Limb physiotherapy
Use of passive and assistive care devices.

Other treatments include
Tone management, Sensory re-education, Balance retraining, Fall prevention, Gait re-education, Functional mobility training

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We are India’s super specialty spine clinic, working with advanced technologies, multidisciplinary team comprising of Spine Surgeon, Interventional Pain Specialist, Physiotherapist and Chiropractors.

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